You may want to set up a free pick up option for your customers to come and collect their order. You can create as many of these options as you would like. This can be helpful if you have multiple collection points or warehouses.
First click "create a new shipping rate". Then name the rate something that will reflect that this is a pick up shipping option. You can also use the optional description to give your customers more information. For example, "we will contact you when your order is ready" or "Pick up between 10am and 12pm on Mondays". Assign the shipping rate to the appropriate Shopify shipping zone and click "next".
Next, you have the option of restricting this pick up rate to specific zip codes. This can be useful if you have multiple pick up locations or warehouses, and only want to ensure that customers in one area only have the option to pick up from a specific location. Please note, if you don't want to restrict the pick up rate by zip code you can skip this step and by just clicking "no".
This means that at the checkout, only customers with those 4 zip codes will be able to select "pick up from Location A". You can create as many of these zip code specific pick up options as you would like. Then click "next".
You will be asked if you want to use "per product shipping". For this rate, as it's free, we are going to click "no". Then click "save and next".
Finally, you can create your shipping rule that will impose free shipping on all of your orders for this rate. Click "create rule" and you're done!
Finally, you can test your settings to make sure that they are working as you would like. If you come up against any issues, please don't hesitate to get in contact with us at